Fuel cost for the Robin DR401 155CDI is around £51 per flight hour less than for an Avgas powered equivalent. Even paying the tax for non-business use on Jet A-1 the saving is still about £25 per hour.
A gearbox inspection at 1,200 hours is about £3,500, but by that time you have saved between £44,000 and £61,000 on fuel.
An engine replacement at 2,100 hours* will cost about £45,000 ex VAT but the owner will have recouped between £77,000 and £107,000 in fuel costs! Note that the engine is now exempt from the 12 year TBR and can be run 'on condition' just like petrol engines.
With a Continental diesel you have the most reliable piston engine in GA and a far more sophisticated power plant (low noise, low vibration, no shock cooling, no risk of carbon monoxide toxicity) than a petrol engine with the added bonus of significant cost savings.
*The TBR is 2,100 hours or 12 years, whichever is the sooner. The engine can, however, be run 'on condition' beyond twelve years, including in training environments, up to and, potentially even beyond 2,100 hours. Please see our news article of 14.08.2024 for the explanation.